About Us

At Verinova, we’re redefining the hybrid work model. Our innovative AI assistant gathers your business’s data to create a clear and comprehensive dashboards. This allows managers to understand intra and inter-team dynamics like never before. Our story is one of technology, insight, and a commitment to improving workplace effectiveness, productivity and well-being.

The Workplace Conundrum

• Employee Need: Flexibility in work location and schedule.
• Employer Goal: Increase collaboration and productivity.
• Resulting Issues: Higher RTO (Return to Office) mandates implemented by employers lead to decreased employee engagement and increases mental health claims.








Key Challenges for Organizations

1. Real Estate Needs: Determining the optimal amount of office space.
2. Office Design: Creating spaces that foster collaboration and productivity for those using it (these requirements differ based on the personas using the space).
3. Recapturing Collaboration: Rebuilding teamwork lost during the pandemic.
4. Engagement & Mental Health: Monitor changes in employee engagement and mental wellbeing.

Organizational Output Drivers


  • Adjacencies (who shares space with whom) is a key driver of organizational collaborative performance.
  • Optimize the physical proximity of teams to enhance interactions.
  • Use our tools to validate space adjacencies and maximize value by aligning groups effectively.

Workplace Strategies

  • Implement ‘structured hybrid’ work models with designated in-office days for connected groups.
  • Distribute office presence throughout the week to optimize space utilization and reduce peak demand.

Sentiment Analysis for Deeper Insights

  • AI-driven sentiment analysis uncovers true employee feelings beyond surface-level responses.

  • Differentiates between nuanced emotions, helping to address underlying issues.

  • All focused on teams, groups and departments. Nothing, ever on individuals.

  • All content is processed in client data environment.

  • Only scores and de-identified metadata are used to create dashboards.

Platform Features

  • Data Alignment: Integrates metadata from emails, messaging, calendars, and presence.

  • Sentiment Analysis: Provides sentiment scores and metadata without exposing content.

  • Insights Delivered by means of dynamic dashboards for collaborative performance and sentiment.

  • Organizational collaboration and sentiment maps.

  • Query tools for addressing specific organizational challenges.




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