About Us

At Verinova, we’re redefining the hybrid work model. Our innovative AI assistant gathers your business’s data to create a clear and comprehensive dashboard. This allows managers to understand team dynamics like never before. Our story is one of technology, insight, and a commitment to improving workplace productivity and well-being.

By elegantly blending data analytics with hybrid work optimization, we empower organizations to seamlessly navigate the complexities of modern business environments. From boosting productivity, optimizing real estate to reducing office costs and safeguarding mental health, Verinova is at the vanguard, ensuring your business thrives in today’s dynamic world.

At Verinova, we specialize in making hybrid work models more efficient. Our platform empowers businesses to effortlessly visualize key metrics and performance indicators, tailored to their unique needs. This provides a real-time snapshot of operations, essential for thriving in a hybrid work setting.

Our cutting-edge AI does more than offer data-driven suggestions to optimize productivity; it also plays a pivotal role in fostering collaboration, both within and across teams. This ensures a seamless integration of remote and in-office work dynamics, enhancing overall team synergy.

A standout feature of Verinova is our interactive chat tool, functioning as a virtual business consultant. This feature enables users to engage directly with Verinova, asking questions
and receiving instant, data-backed recommendations. This tool is instrumental in workspace planning and providing design insights, aiding organizations in making informed decisions about their workplace strategy. Whether it’s optimizing office space or creating an environment conducive to mental well-being, Verinova is equipped to provide valuable insights.








Our platform is not just about harnessing data; it’s about using that data to increase productivity, reduce office costs, and mitigate mental health risks. In today’s dynamic and competitive landscape, Verinova is your trusted partner in data-driven decision-making, ensuring that your business not only adapts but thrives.




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